As the CFO of a private equity-backed company, I recognize that employee health is part of our value. MABGH educational sessions help me maximize that value to future investors.
The MidAtlantic Business Group on Health is an association of employer health care purchasers that drives cost-effective healthcare, through value-based purchasing.
The MidAtlantic Path Forward for Mental Health
Mental Health and Substance Use Disorder are at a crisis point across the country. Health Plan Members face serious challenges locating in-network Behavioral Health Care Providers, the care they receive may not be measurement-based, and the collaborative care that maximizes outcomes may be missing. MABGH has partnered with the Mental Health Association of Maryland, the Maryland Primary Care Program, and a broad group of stakeholders to form the MidAtlantic Mental Health Path Forward to improve mental health access and quality for our members' populations, and for the entire community!
With strong support from MABGH and the Mental Health Association of Maryland, the Bowman Family Foundation just released eyepopping results of a national survey on patients' experiences accessing mental health and substance use care, and the results are as bad as you think. Access the report, with specific insurance carrier results, HERE.
Despite decades of frustrating efforts at managing this hidden pandemic, rates of obesity continue to increase, especially exacerbated by the pandemic. The old approach of stigmatizing and shaming people with obesity hasn't worked. MABGH is leading a new approach; treating obesity as a chronic condition that requires medical management, just as the many conditions is causes are treated medically. Click Here for a look at how this approach looks.
Transparency and Safety
Purchasers can only understand value if they can access both price AND quality information. MABGH is launching a major initiative to ensure that healthcare purchasers can get the information they need to fulfill their fiduciary responsibilities.
As step one, on January 26 MABGH is hosting an exclusive purchasers-only meeting to start the conversation about how we can understand and improve the value we're receiving from the hospitals our members are visiting in our region. This exclusive group limited to 12-15 influential purchasers.
To learn more, click here.